Knowledge Base

Shipment Tracking Unified API

How does the Demo key of the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API work?
The Demo key only works for the demo tool on the documentation page; it will return a mockup response. The Demo key can not be used for testing with real sh...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:18 AM
The Legal Terms of the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API don't suit me, can I get a customised agreement?
No, no special agreements different from the general Legal Terms are allowed.
Tue, 5 Sep, 2023 at 4:48 PM
Where can I find more information about the "products" that appear in the body response for Post and Parcel shipments.
The DHL Post and Parcel Germany (PnP) division offers many products and services to the public. Please find below a list of links with relevant information:...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:18 AM
Can the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API track shipments created both via SOAP and REST?
Yes, you can access the Shipment Tracking - Unified API for all shipments, regardless if they were created via SOAP or REST. Example given: You are a u...
Wed, 6 Sep, 2023 at 9:28 AM
The property "status" under "events" property has a mixed type of values, why?
You may notice that the property status under events property has a mixed type of values. Sometimes, it is a string with underscores; sometimes, it is a pla...
Wed, 11 Oct, 2023 at 8:46 AM
How to identify an undeliverable shipment that is returning back to the origin?
The Shipment Tracking - Unified API has implemented a new functionality that allows users to know when a shipment didn't have a successful delivery and ...
Thu, 12 Oct, 2023 at 12:42 PM
I'm getting an "Open SSL" error, what should I do?
The error message "OpenSSL SSL_read: error:0A000126:SSL routines::unexpected eof while reading, errno 0" typically occurs when there is an issue w...
Thu, 19 Oct, 2023 at 7:24 PM
How does the response body look for an Undeliverable/Return shipment?
Shipments that can't be delivered often become "return shipments". Find below a fictitious example of how the response body is shown for one o...
Thu, 26 Oct, 2023 at 1:38 PM
I'm receiving a 429 error of "Too many requests", but I'm complying with the quota limit per day and spike arrest per second, what is wrong?
Even though there is a spike arrest limit per second, this is further divided into millisecond intervals that you must consider when programming your calls ...
Thu, 18 Apr, 2024 at 1:40 PM
How can I see all the details from a shipment in the API response?
The DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API will provide a general response when a supported tracking ID is requested. However, sensitive data like like the dif...
Fri, 1 Mar, 2024 at 3:46 PM