Shipment Tracking Unified API (Pull)

Can the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API track piece IDs from shipments?

Created by: Jhonathan Ibanez

Modified on: Wed, 23 Aug, 2023 at 8:19 AM

Yes, the DHL Shipment Tracking - Unified API will first lookup in its sources for a shipment ID with the provided string; if not found, it will then proceed to look up the value as a Shipment ID category; if it finds a match, it will show the history of the related shipment.

For example, you could input the code "JND00000000000000001" in the tracking ID. This is a fictitious number of a Piece ID of a shipment from DHL Global Forwarding & Freight (DGFF), but it's not the shipment ID. Then, the Shipment Tracking - Unified API will show in the body response first the ID of the shipment, which is AAA-BB-123456 (also fictitious), and then the tracking history of the shipment.

Jhonathan is the author of this solution article.

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